A Heartfelt Thank you & Goodbye

South Sydney’s eye care health professionals - Simon Grbevski

I am writing to inform you that after forty two years of service and dedication to optometry, I will be retiring at the end of 2018. I would like to thank you for your loyalty and trust you have placed in me to take care of your visual needs over this time. It has been a pleasure and an honour. I will miss our times.

As I move into this next phase of my life, Dr Linda Lam is my successor. We have worked alongside each other over two years together and she is the perfect person to replace me and will continue to nurture the philosophy and care of the practice.

Linda has a special interest in children’s vision testing, developmental and behavioural optometry, orthokeratology and is also therapeutically endorsed. Linda exudes a high level of professionalism and her holistic patient care mode leaves her patients smiling.

Once again, I take this opportunity to thank you for your support and the consistent loyalty you have shown towards me and my family all the years I have been in optometry.

I know that Linda and the team look forward to seeing you back in practice for your next appointment.

Wishing you and your family Happy Holidays.

Kindest regards

Dr. Simon Grbevski